IT Solutions for Optimizing Business Management

At InterBRAINS, we propose IT solutions you can trust, with consideration for the results of our business analysis.
We provide comprehensive support for system construction in line with your goals, including surveys, analysis, design, development, maintenance, and operations.

Since we consider operation support and maintenance to be the most important aspects of maximizing system value, we use these processes to understand the needs of users and facilities, striving for continuous improvement of our systems.

InterBRAINS Total System Support







Development Results

We have accumulated abundant knowledge and experience through our system development projects in a wide range of fields,
including systems for public use, sales, and coordination with our company’s packaged products.

Wholesale Industry

Sales management systems
Sales support systems
POS cash register systems

Manufacturing Industry

Production management systems
Sales management systems
Warehouse management systems


Transportation, telecommunications, and finance industries
Service industry
Local government bodies

Strengths of Our Development Projects

High-level specialization effective in a variety of industries and businesses

Since our experienced designers and highly-skill engineers provide consultation services to our customers, these projects provide comprehensive production of information systems for development.

Technical skills with the flexibility to meet customer needs

We employ numerous engineers with sufficient skill and experience to handle all customer needs and phases in the development process. While consulting with our customers on matters such as the project time period and business content, we make proposals for essential elements such as the cost and development system used and provide high-quality resident engineering services.

IT business total outsourcing

Providing services ranging from domain acquisition, server procedures, and web strategy drafting and planning all the way to system design and web system development. We also implement maintenance and operations after development as a matter of course, providing total support. In addition, we have recently begun applying more effort to our marketing business and can assist you with promotion activities as well.

Web development